Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dzien dobry

Bryan and I are trying to learn a few words of Polish...and let me tell you, it's hard.
I wish you could listen to us stumbling over the Polish words.
Egg. Jajko. Sandwich. Kanapka. The odd-lettered words that I can't type.
"Dzie" sounds like "J".
Yes, Polish is hard.
Reminds me of a talk I heard recently. A college president was speaking to us, and he believes that everyone under the right circumstances can learn anything. He was telling someone that. And that person said, "I don't believe you."
"I have been trying to learn German for years. I have taken classes, I have spent hours in study, I have gone to Germany. But I can't learn German!"
"Well," said the college president, "then it's a good thing you weren't born in Germany."
It's a good thing I was born in the U.S. and not Poland, eh?