Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Life changes and diaper changes

Bryan's manly hands! Edit: Bryan thinks I'm odd for having this caption, but I didn't want anyone to think these hairy, vein-y hands were mine :).
It didn't take long for Baby J to wriggle his way into our hearts.

We've had him home for a little over 48 hours. During that time, we gone through more formula, diapers and outfits than we ever thought possible.

Here's what we've learned so far:

1. Even though newborns sleep 16-20 hours a day, we've discovered he sleeps 18 hours when the sun's up. You can do the math :).
2. To every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction (i.e. when we feed him a bottle, we immediately have to change his diaper).
3. He loves to be warm and clothed.
4. He is precious and perfect.
5. He makes funny expressions and sometimes he even smiles.
6. It's easier than we thought to know when to feed him, change him, or hold him.
7. We are spoiled to have a great support system who gives us food, clothes, and many offers to help!
8. We don't know how to compare our feelings about him to a child that we carried for 9 months and shares our blood and DNA. But the way we feel...well, we don't know how we could love him any more.
9. And I'm just beginning to know that I was wrong (Bryan says that people who share my maiden name sometimes have a hard time admitting they're wrong - raise your hand if you agree!). But I was heartbreakingly wrong about this one. In the hearts of Baby J's biological parents, there is a Baby J shaped hole. How could I have thought they wouldn't love him just as much as we do? We are so happy to have him, but our hearts feel the anguish of his other parents, too. Each day, I learn something else that tells me why it's so hard on them. If we do get to keep him, I will be able to assure Baby J that his birthparents loved him without question.

That's all for now! Bryan is on baby duty tonight, so I might get some sleep.


  1. L & B-
    The tears just roll as I read your words this morn. The selfless way you give of your heart is a lesson for me. We will continue to pray for Gods will in all your life's. May His peace be a sweet blanket covering you.
    In Him-
    Dan & Ab

  2. Sounds like you are doing a great job being first time parents. So sweet! and touching. Our hearts are with you.
