Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Good" clothes

Growing up, we had everyday clothes and good clothes. Same thing here.

So when we're ready to leave the apartment, the kids will change their clothes. I should also insert that Kid #2 has a definite opinion on what should be worn when and where.

Okay, so today we were ready to go out for pizza and a walk in the forest. Kid #2 had a kelly green sequin top, black-with-polka-dots pajama bottoms (that were about three inches too short), orange and gray socks, and some shiny black ballet flats. Kid #2 did not understand why Kid #1 insisted that Kid #2 change outfits. And Kid #1 didn't understand why Kid #2 started to cry.

I actually would have let Kid #2 walk around like that (although far behind me - haha!), but Kid #1's influence won. Hot pink sweatpants replaced the pajama bottoms and the shoes were changed, though everything else stayed the same. 

Small wins :).


  1. She's got style! I won't have to bribe her to go shopping with me!

  2. Love it! Everyone warns me about the day Lil Miss will decide to dress herself, but, for now, I'm solely responsible when she commits a fashion faux pas! Love getting glimpses of the kids' personalities...

